


Krakow Meetings are organized jointly by Polish Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and other institutions.

At different years, two Spanish institutions: Instituto de Filosofia Edith Stein in Granada and International Center for the Study of the Christian Orient in Granada have been the coorganizers of the conference. In 2017–2019 the conference were co-organized also by Committee on Philosophical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KNF PAN), which as well assumed the honorary patronage over the Krakow Meetings. From 2022, the conferences are co-organized by Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought.


Honorary Patronage

"Studies in East European Thought" (from 2022)



Teresa Obolevitch

The founder of Krakow Meetings and the head of the Academic Board of the conferenece. She is the Chair of Russian and Byzantine Philosophy at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and a Professor of Philosophy at that University, where she teaches also patristics, philosophy of religion, and Russian philosophy. She is also a member of the Committee on Philosophical Sciences in Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Krakow. Translator of Vladimir Soloviev and Semen Frank into Polish. Her works in Polish, Russian, English and French focus primarily on the relation between science and faith in the Eastern Christian thought. Recently she published La philosophie religieuse russe, Édition du Cerf, Paris 2014 and Faith and Science in Russian Religious Thought, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019. Member of the Catholic Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother of God. See some of Teresa’s papers at her personal web page.


Iulia Kuznetsova

The secretary of Krakow Meetings. She has a Master of philosophy and a Bachelor of theology. Now she is writing her doctoral thesis under the title The image of Christ in the icons of Jerzy Nowosielski in the light of philosophical thought at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, in the academic seminar of Prof. Teresa Obolevitch. She is most interested in philosophy of art, philosophy of religion, theology, aesthetics, and the iconography of Christian art.


Ilias Stanekzai

PhD student at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow. He is currently preparing his PhD thesis on the thought of Simone Weil. His main scientific interests are: history of ideas, philosophy of religion and relationship between literature and philosophy.


Aleksandra Berdnikova
("Lev Karsavin: The Way of the Russian Philosopher in Lithuania")

PhD student at FINO Consortium, University of Turin (Italy). She has a Specialist degree in the history of philosophy and a Master in religious studies. The topic of her current PhD thesis is “Russian Ontologism of the beginning of the 20th century: Vladimir Ern, Boris Yakovenko, Semyon Frank”. Her supervisors are Prof. Daniela Steila and Prof. Teresa Obolevitch.



Advisory Board

  • Dr. Paweł Rojek (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
  • Prof. Gennadii Aliaiev (Ukraine)
  • Prof. Randall Poole (College of St. Scholastica, USA)
  • Prof. Marina F. Bykova (North Carolina State University, USA)
  • Prof. Daniela Steila (The University of Turin, Italy)




