

Faith and Reason in Russian Thought



Teresa Obolevitch, Paweł Rojek (eds)
Faith and Reason in Russian Thought
Kraków: Copernicus Center Press 2015, p. 254, ISBN 978-83-7886-167-6

The book might be purchased at Copernicus Center Press.


Russian culture experienced neither Scholasticism nor the Renaissance and thus the problem of faith and reason was formulated primarily within the Patristic tradition. This collection of essays explores various dimensions of this alternative Russian perspective. It shows the peculiarities of Orthodox in­terpretation of faith, traces the interrelations between Eastern and Western thinkers, and investigates the heritage of Russian religious philosophy, with special attention devoted to Pavel Florensky, Sergius Bulgakov and Georges Floro­vsky.



  • Faith as the Locus Philosophicus of Russian Thought, Teresa Obolevitch,
  • Eastern-Christian Discourse and Russian Philosophy: Basic Structures, Modern Problems, Sergei Khoruzhy,
  • Man and the Universe: Humanity in the Centre of the Faith and Knowledge Debate in Russian Religious Philosophy, Alexei V. Nesteruk,
  • Foundations of Spiritual Anthropology, Sergey Nizhnikov,
  • Truth – the Cultural and Religious Entanglement of Categories: A Contribution to the Reflections over Orthodox Thought, Anna Kurkiewicz,
  • Amor caecus: Solovyov Draws Spinoza, Andrey Maidansky,
  • Florensky and Science, Andrei Bronnikov,
  • Pavel Florensky: The Point of Junction of Religion, Science and Other Spheres of Human Activity, Olga Morozova,
  • Onomatodoxy and the Problem of Constitution: Florensky on Scientific and Manifest Images of the World, Paweł Rojek,
  • The Significance of Religion in Heidegger’s Thinking and the Cult in Florensky’s, Peter Rusnák,
  • The Russian Sophiological Synthesis: Sergius Bulgakov and the Dialectic of Faith and Science on Death and Evolution, Walter Sisto,
  • Philosophy as Rigorous Science and/or as Tragedy: Husserl and Shestov, Tomas Sodeika, Lina Vidauskytė,
  • Faith and Knowledge in the Thought of Georges Florovsky, Teresa Obolevitch,
  • The Unity of Reason and Faith as a Human Challenge: The Problem of Christian Culture and Philosophy in E. Trubetskoy and V. Zenkovsky, Janna Voskressenskaia,
  • The Third Path of Russian Intellectualism, Svetlana Klimova,
  • Myth as A Foundation of the Unity of Philosophy and Religion in Russian Religious Philosophy, Marina U. Savel’eva.




