

Overcoming the Secular. Russian Religious Philosophy and Post-Secularism



Teresa Obolevitch, Paweł Rojek (eds)
Overcoming the Secular. Russian Religious Philosophy and Post-Secularism
Kraków: The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow Press 2015, p. 192, ISBN 978-83-7438-444-5.

The book is available at the Digital Library of The Pontifical University of John Paul II. It might be also purchased at The Pontifical University of John Paul II Press.



Part I: Russian Thought and Post-Secularism 

  • Russian Prefigurations of Post-Secular Thought: Nikolai Berdyaev and Ivan Il’in, Halina Rarot,
  • Searching for Certainty: Russian and Post-Secular Thought, Anna Kurkiewicz,
  • Vladimir Soloviev’s Idea of the Universal Church and Post-Secular Thinking, Marina Savel’eva,
  • Love as an Evolutionary Force: From Soloviev to Teilhard de Chardin, Towards a Contemporary World, Zlatica Plašienková,
  • The Reactualization of the Ethical Doctrine of Russian Religious Philosophers in the Era of Post-Secularism, Elena E. Ovchinnikova, Tatiana V. Chumakova.

Part II: Historical Focuses 

  • The Main Features of Russian Religious Philosophy, Sergey Grib, Dmitry Dmitriev,
  • Concepts of Russian Moral Philosophy in the Enlightenment, Tatiana Artemyeva,
  • Post-Secular Thinking in the Age of Reason: Gregory Skovoroda’s Apology of Religion, Victor Chernyshov,
  • Fulfillment of Prophecy: Problems of Philosophy and Russian Socio-Religious Thought in the Doctrine of Vladimir Soloviev, Elena Tverdislova,
  • In Search of a New Rationality: Some Peculiarities of the Russian Religious Philosophy of the Early Twentieth Century, Tatsiana Korotkaya,
  • The “God of Philosophers” or The “Other” God? Faith and Knowledge in the Philosophy of the Later Frank (With Some Parallels in Russian and European Thought), Fr. Vladimir Zelinsky,
  • A Discussion on Christian Socialism: Semen Frank’s Forgotten Paper, Gennadii Aliaiev,
  • “How is Religion Possible?” The Features and Contemporary Importance of Sergey Bulgakov’s Theological Method, Anna Volkova,
  • Aleksey Losev on Religious Essence and the Generative Power of Platonism, Aleksey Kamenskikh,
  • The Ideal Ecclesia in the Philosophical Investigations of “Those from Kithezh”: The philosophy of The Other in the Inheritance of Aleksey Ukhtomsky, Aleksandr Meyer, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Mikhail Prishvin, Elena Knorre.

Part III: Contemporary Issues 

  • Transhumanism in Russia: Science, Fun or a Threat to Traditional Values?, Kateryna Rassudina,
  • Russian Orthodoxy and Secular Movies: Orthodox Reactions to the Film Leviathan, Ronald Gebhardt,
  • Polish Studies of Russian Religious-Philosophical Thought: Basic Peculiarities, Elena Tolstova.




