

Russian Thought in Europe. Reception, Polemics, Developement



Teresa Obolevitch, Tomasz Homa SJ, Józef Bremer SJ (ed.)
Russian Thought in Europe. Reception, Polemics, Developement
Kraków: Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydawnictwo WAM 2013, pp. 600, ISBN 978-83-7767-948-7.

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  • Foreword

Patristic Inspirations in Russia and Europe

  • Aleksey Kamenskikh, The Image of the Second Rome through the Prism of the Third,
  • Janna Voskressenskaia, The “Other” Person. The Reception of Russian Neo-Patristics in J. Zizioulas’ Theology,
  • Justyna Kroczak, Saint Theophan the Recluse’s oeuvre and reception of his thought in Poland.

Russian Writers in the West

  • Olga Khvostova, Varngagen von Ense’s reception of Pushkin’s thought and Russia,
  • Sergei A. Kibal’nik, On Dostoyevsky’s Anti-Rationalism, its European Philosophical Parallels and its Followers,
  • Ilya Levyash, Semantics of the European Discourse of Dostoyevsky – Nietzsche,
  • Marina Savel’eva, Dostoyevsky and Thomas Mann on the “Twilight of the German Spirit”,
  • Józef Bremer, Romano Guardini’s interpretation of figures in Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky’s novels,
  • Andrzej Gielarowski, A lie as a way of having control over a human being. Tischner’s interpretation of the character of Raskolnikov in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment,
  • Svetlana Klimova, Irina Bardykova, Modern Slavistics outside Russia in Quest of “the Real Dostoyevsky”,
  • Irina Salmanova, Leo Tolstoy’s Integrity in Western Philologists’ Perception.

Russian Religious Philosophers’ Output in Europe

  • Victor Chernyshov, Quest for the Catholic Church. Between Constantinople, Russia and Rome: William Palmer’s Response to Alexis Khomyakov’s Letters,
  • Victoria Kravchenko, Vl. S. Solovyov’s oeuvre reflected in foreign philosophy,
  • Tatiana Poletaeva, On V. Solovyov’s gnoseology and some aspects of its comprehension by Western philosophers in the context of West – East dialogue,
  • Marek Urban, In quest of aesthetics. Hans Urs von Balthasar’s reading of Vladimir Soloviev,
  • Olga Zaprometova, The Conceptualization of Religious Experience: From Solovyov to Moltmann,
  • Gennadii Aliaiev, S. Frank and M. Scheler: by the Source of the Twentieth Century Philosophical Anthropology,
  • Alexei Gaponenkov, European Context in the Correspondence between Nikolai Berdyaev and Semyon Frank,
  • Valery Pavlov, Personalism of Nikolai Berdyaev’s Philosophy and French Personalism,
  • Nadezhda Ilyushenko, The reception of Berdyaev’s philosophical ideas in Mounier’s personalism,
  • Kirill Voytsel, Comparison of the Ontology of the “Humanity of God” in Nikolai Berdyaev’s and Karl Barth’s Thought,
  • Dmitriy Gusev, Ideas of Active-Creative Eschatology in the Dialogueue between Russian and European Philosophical Thoughts of the 20th Century: Nikolai Berdyaev and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,
  • Anatoliy Saliy, Lev Shestov’s philosophic solitude and his influence on the European philosophy of the 20th century.

Dialogue Between Russia and Europe in the 20th and 21st centuries

  • Olga Popova, Two parts of the one whole: a problem of interaction between the Russian and German cultures in the first half of the 20th century,
  • Tatyana Suchodub, “Logos” as a European Project of Development of Philosophy of Culture,
  • Vladimir Belov, Russian Neo-Kantianism and Europe: apprenticeship or cooperation?,
  • Natalia Danilkina, Sergey Hessen in Czech Republic: an émigré philosopher as a phenomenon of European culture,
  • Oksana Dovgopolova, The Paradoxes of Reception of the Russian Emigrant Thought in Bulgaria,
  • Andrei Bronnikov, Russia in Rilke,
  • Teresa Obolevitch, Russia in Étienne Gilson,
  • Alexander Usachev, The Mainstream Influence of Russian Thought on European Philosophy,
  • Maxim Manuilsky, Institute of Human Research. Historical Reminiscences,
  • Tadeouch Adoulo, The Ontological Basis and Humanistic Potential of V. I. Vernadsky’s Social and Anthropological Projects,
  • Ina Nalivaika, The Role of Mikhail Bakhtin in the Formation of Contemporary European “Philosophy of Everydayness”,
  • Viacheslav Moiseev, The logic of all-unity as a form of reception of Russian philosophy of all-unity in Europe,
  • Yuliya Serada, A. Kojève’s philosophical heritage in the context of the European intellectual space of the 21st century,
  • Andrey Maidansky, The Dialectical Logic of Evald Ilyenkov and Western European Marxism,
  • Janusz Dobieszewski, Russian Issues in Alain Besançon’s Perspective,
  • Tomasz Homa, Solzhenitsynesque inspirations in the philosophy of European dissidentism of the latter half of the 20th century. Philosophical-cultural sketches,
  • Andrei Rostoshinsky, The Semiotic Concept of the Russian heraldic system at the end of the 20th century and its reception in the West. Sources, History, Problems of Modernization, Prospects.




