

Lev Karsavin: The Way of the Russian Philosopher in Lithuania

Lev Platonovich Karsavin (1882–1952), a follower of Vladimir Solovyov’s metaphysics of unity, was a prominent Russian religious philosopher, Eurasianist, and personalist. His Lithuanian period represents a little-studied stage in his intellectual evolution, one rich in theoretical and historical-philosophical significance. During this period, the philosopher worked at Kaunas University (1928–1940) and later at Vilnius University, until his forced repatriation to Russia in 1949.
During this time his books On Personality (1929) and Poem about Death (1931) were published in Russian, while Istorijos teorija (“Theory of History”, 1929) and the multi-volume work Europos kultūros istorija (“History of European Culture”, 1931–1937) were also published in Lithuanian, along with numerous articles. Karsavin’s life and ideas, especially his philosophical journey in Lithuania, can serve as an example of perseverance, creative exploration, and of respect for the dignity of individuals and peoples – all within the difficult context of Russian-Lithuanian relations in the 20th and 21st centuries. This remains particularly relevant in our time.

March 1‒2, 2024
Vilnius, Trimitų St. 6-39, NGO “Dialogues of Cultures” (Lithuania)
  • Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow
  • Non-Governmental Organization “Dialogues of Cultures” in Vilnius
  • Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought
Advisory board
  • Prof. Pavel Lavrinec (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
  • Prof. Françoise Lesourd (Jean III Moulin University Lion, Lyon, France)
  • Prof. Daniela Steila (University of Turin, Italy)
Academic board
  • Prof. Sr Teresa Obolevitch (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland)
  • Prof. Randall Poole (College of St. Scholastica, USA)
  • Prof. Marina F. Bykova (North Carolina State University, USA)
Honorary patronage
  • “Studies in East European Thought” (SEET)
Conference secretary
  • Aleksandra Berdnikova (University of Turin, Italy)
Working languages
English and Russian
Please complete this Application Form before December 15, 2023.
By December 31, 2023 we will announce the final list of accepted applications.
Following the conference, a special issue of the journal Studies in East European Thought will be devoted to Karsavin’s heritage. Conference speakers will be invited to submit their papers for consideration for publication, according to the journal’s usual standards and policies.
Participants are asked to make their own hotel reservations.
The conference fee is 200 EUR
    AB SEB bankas Lithuania, Vilnius
  • In USD: VŠĮ KULTŪRŲ DIALOGAI LT627044060008101683 USD

    AB SEB bankas Lithuania, Vilnius, SWIFT: CBVILT2X
    Bank correspondent

For INVOICE please contact Mrs. Gitana Jonyniene gitana.jonyniene@gmail.com
For all other questions, please contact levkarsavinconference@gmail.com


Book of abstracts

March 1, 2024 (Friday)

Opening of the Conference

Sr. Teresa Obolevitch (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow), Head of the Organizing Committee
Karina & Andrey Chernyak (NGO “Dialogues of Cultures”, Vilnius)
SECTION 1 (chair: Teresa Obolevitch)
9:40 Gintautas Mažeikis (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania)
Экзегетика и Метафизика истории Л.П. Карсавина
10:10 Françoise Lesourd (Université Jean Moulin, IRPhiL, France)
Творчество Льва Карсавина как размышление над истоками европейской мысли
10:40 Discussion
11:10 Coffee break
SECTION 2 (chair: Daniela Steila)
11:30 Sławomir Mazurek (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Karsavins’ Philosophy of History and its Place in Russian and European Thought
12:00 Aleksandra Berdnikova (University of Turin, Italy)
The Middle Ages and the crisis of Western culture: L.P. Karsavin, N.A. Berdyaev, S.L. Frank and O. Spengler
12:30 Tomasz Herbich (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Idea of Progress in the Light of Metaphysics of History. Some Remarks on Karsavin's "Philosophy of History"
13:00 Discussion
13:30–15:00 Lunch (G39 Cafe, Giedraičių St. 39)
SECTION 3 (chair: Harry Moore)
15:00 Ruri Hosokawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
The correspondence between ideas of Lev Karsavin's "On personality" and Pavel Florensky's concept of form
15:30 Rev. Robert F. Slesinski (The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic (NJ), USA)
The Metaphysics of All-Embracing Unity of L. P. Karsavin: A Paean to Love
16:00 Nataliia Shelkovaia (Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine; University of Turin, Italy; USERN)
Whether L. P. Karsavin’s All-Unity is All-Unity? (Phenomenology of all-unity in philosophy, religion and sacred art)
16:30 Discussion
17:00–17:20 Coffee break
SECTION 4 (chair: Andrius Valevicius)
17:20 Janusz Dobieszewski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Достоевский Льва Карсавина
17:50 Lilianna Kiejzik (University of Zielona Gora, Poland)
Лев Карсавин в переписке семьи Флоровских (на основании архивных материалов)
18:20 Discussion
19:00 Supper (G39 Cafe, Giedraičių St. 39)
March 2, 2024 (Saturday)
SECTION 5 (chair: Ruri Hosokawa)
9:30 Harry Moore (Beijing Normal University, China)
Lev Karsavin and Natural Theology
10:00 Daniel Kisliakov (University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia)
Personhood in the Russian Diaspora milieu and Lev Karsavin’s Contribution
10:30 Yuki Fukui (Waseda University, Tokio, Japan)
The meaning of life and death: L.P. Karsavin, N.F. Fedorov and F.M. Dostoevsky
11:00 Discussion
11:30 Coffee break
SECTION 6 (chair: Pavel Lavrinec)
12:00 Gintautas Mažeikis (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania)
Л. Карсавин. От симфонической к пульсирующей личности
12:30 Nikolai Kostin (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland)
Человек в истории: концепция «симфонической личности» Л.П. Карсавина и «Homo Ludens» Й. Хейзинги
13:00 Discussion
13:30–14:50 Lunch (G39 Cafe, Giedraičių St. 39)
SECTION 7 (chair: Françoise Lesourd)
14:50 Pavel Lavrinec (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Лев Карсавин и русскоязычная среда межвоенной Литвы
15:20 Marija Čepaityte (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Отец Станисловас Добровольскис ‒ переводчик Карсавинa
15:50 Pylyp Bilyi (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland)
Крaткая история спора между Львом Карсавиным и Николаем Лосским
16:20 Discussion
16:50 Coffee break
SECTION 8 (chair: Marija Čepaityte)
17:10 Agata Czapiewska (The Institute of Literary Studies, Poland)
Between East and West, stages of Dialogue ‒ Stanislav Przybyszewski and Lev Karsavin
17:40 Andrius Valevicius (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
The original topics in Karsavin's philosophy in advance of well-known Western philosophers and his emphasis on Christian dogma as a philosophical tool
18:10 Discussion and Concluding remarks
19:00 Banquet


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