

Marian Zdziechowski: Historical and Systematic Studies. Between Affirmation and Critique of Russian Culture

Marian Zdziechowski (1861–1938) was a Polish thinker deeply but critically engaged in Russian religious philosophy. Born in Belarus, he studied literature in Russia, and taught philosophy in Krakow and Vilnius. On the one hand, although he belonged to one of the nations oppressed by Imperial Russia, he was interested in Russian culture and recognized its remarkable Christian value. He met Soloviev, was in touch with Tolstoi, and was a friend of the Trubetskoi brothers. In Poland, he was even ironically called the only Russian religious philosopher writing in Polish. On the other hand, however, Zdziechowski clearly saw that the sublime ideals of Russian religious philosophy often served Russian nationalism and imperialism. In his works, he described regrettable degeneration of Russian Slavophilism. He was honest enough to see that the Christian ideas were actually politically instrumentalized to justify evil.
Zdziechowski’s attitude seems to be of great importance today. In the face of Russian aggression against Ukraine, we are encountering the same dilemmas regarding Russian culture. In 2023, therefore, we decided to focus on the heritage of Marian Zdziechowski. We propose to investigate his fundamental works on Russian religious philosophy, especially on Slavophilism and Russian communism, and his complicated relationships with Russian thinkers, in particular with the Trubetskoi brothers. Most importantly, we would like to continue some of the topics he was concerned with, such as the transformations of Slavophile ideas, the similarities between Polish and Russian messianism, and finally the problem of evil in Russian thought. We also invite scholars investigating Zdziechowski’s possible influences on Polish and Russian culture. After all, Czesław Miłosz, his former student in Vilnius, openly admitted his intellectual and spiritual impact.
June 12–13, 2023
The Library of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, ul. Bobrzyńskiego 10, 30-348 Kraków, Poland
Invited speakers
  • Prof. Marina F. Bykova (North Carolina State University, USA)
  • Prof. Pavel Lavrinec (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
  • Prof. Grzegorz Przebinda (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Academic board
  • Prof. Sr Teresa Obolevitch (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland)
  • Prof. Randall Poole (College of St. Scholastica, USA)
  • Prof. Marina F. Bykova (North Carolina State University, USA)
Advisory board
  • Dr. Paweł Rojek (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
  • Prof. Gennadii Aliaiev (Poltava, Ukraine)
  • Prof. Daniela Steila (University of Turin, Italy)
Honorary patronage
  • “Studies in East European Thought” (SEET)
Conference secretary
  • Karolina Fiutak (Krakow)
Working languages
Talks and discussion will be held in English, Russian, and – only for this edition – in Polish.
Please, complete the Application Form before January 31, 2023. You will be asked for personal data and information about your proposed talk, including its summary with bibliography. No submission will be accepted after that date. By February 15, 2023 we will announce the final list of accepted applications. It is also possible to take part in the Conference without giving a talk. In such cases the Application form will be open by May 15, 2023.
We are going to edit a special volume of Studies in East European Thought on Zdziechowski’s heritage. We invite speakers to submit their papers for this issue. All proposals will be reviewed according to the procedure of this journal.
Since 2023 the organizers do not provide accommodation. Participants are asked to make their own hotel reservations.
If necessary, organizers send the invitation required for visa extension. Please provide the required passport information in the Application Form.
Suggested sources
  • Урсинъ, Маріанъ (Здзѣховскій, Маріанъ). Санкт-Петербургъ, 1887
  • Ursin, Marіan (Zdzekhovskіi, Marіan) Ocherki iz psikhologii slavianskago plemeni. Slavianofily, Sankt-Peterburg, 1887
  • Урсинъ М. (М. Здзѣховскій), Религiозно-политическiе идеалы польскаго общества. Очеркъ. С предисловiем графа Л. Н. Толстого, Леипзигъ 1896, 30 stron
  • Здзѣховскій М., О польскомъ религіозномъ сознаніи. Публичный докладъ, Москва 1915
  • Zdziechowski, Marian, Die Grundprobleme Russlands. Literarisch-politische Skizzen, Leipzig, 1907
  • Zdziechowski, Marian. Le dualisme dans la pensée religieuse russe „Cahier de la Nouvelle Journée” 8 (1927) 67–124
Book of abstracts
June 12, 2023 (Monday)

Opening of the Conference

Sr. Teresa Obolevitch, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow,
Head of the Organizing Committee
SECTION 1 (chair: Bernard Marchadier)
9:10 Pavel Lavrinec, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Семидуализм русской религиозной мысли
9:50 Marina Bykova, North Carolina State University, USA
Marian Zdziechowski and Russian Messianism
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Grzegorz Przebinda, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Marian Zdziechowski o okrucieństwie ‒ z Rosją nie tylko w tle
11:40 Discussion
12:20 The Official Photo Shoot
12:30–13:30 Lunch
SECTION 2 (chair: Marina Bykova)
13:30 Justyna Kroczak, University od Zielona Gora, Poland
At the source of the Christian concept of evil ‒ St. Augustine and St. Gregory of Nazianzus. Side notes on the Marian Zdziechowski's work „Pessimism, Romanticism and the Foundations of Christianity”
14:00 Paweł Rojek, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Disillusioned Russophile. Marian Zdziechowski on the dynamics of Russian thought at the turn of the 20th century
14:30 Aleksandra Berdnikova, University of Turin, Italy
Messianism and metaphysical personalism: Marian Zdziechowski and the Yuriev school of Neo-Leibnizianism
15:00 Andrew Schumann, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland
Who was the Main Philosopher of the Late 19th Century in Russia: Leo Tolstoy or Vladimir Solovyov?
15:30 Discussion
16:00–16:30 Coffee break
SECTION 3 (chair: Aleksandra Berdnikova)
16:30 Elena Tverdislova, Jerusalem Municipal Russian Library, Israel
Мариан Здзеховский как прорицатель и порицатель
17:00 Hanuš Nykl, Charles University, Czech Republic
Здзеховский и Масарик как историки русской философии
17:30 Joanna Piotrowska, University of Warsaw, Poland
Мариан Здзеховский и Лев Толстой: дискуссия о польском патриотизме
18:00 Wasilij Szczukin, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Другие берега или бездна безнравственности. Мариан Здзеховский о русской литературе своего времени
18:30 Discussion
19:00 Supper
June 13, 2023 (Tuesday)
SECTION 4 (chair: Paweł Polak)
9:00 Bernard Marchadier, Paris, France
Pesymizm jako droga chrześcijańska. M. Blondel, J.H. Newman i W. Sołowjow
9:30 Sławomir Mazurek, The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Odrębność Zdziechowskiego. O różnicach dystynktywnych między myślą Mariana Zdziechowskiego i rosyjskim renesansem
10:00 Andrzej Dudek, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Marian Zdziechowski i Dymitr Mierieżkowski: kontakty, inspiracje, ideowe współbrzmienia w obliczu kryzysu kultury
10:30 Tomasz Herbich, University of Warsaw, Poland
Zdziechowski i Bierdiajew o mesjanizmie (oraz bolszewizmie). O różnicach i przenikaniu się idei
11:00 Discussion
11:30–11:50 Coffee break
SECTION 5 (chair: Paweł Rojek)
11:50 Daniel Kisliakov, University of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia
Independence of Thought and National Sentiment in the Russian Religious Renaissance
12:20 Paweł Polak, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
Philosophical contexts of Zdziechowski's activities in Krakow
12:50 Victor Chernyshov, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", Ukraine
Marian Zdziechowski: On Russian Revolution as a Religious Problem of Russian Thought
13:20 Discussion
13:50–14:30 Lunch
SECTION 6 (chair: Hanuš Nykl)
14:30 Gennadii Aliaiev, Dnipro University of Technology, Ukraine
«С польским вопросом мы, русские, вообще недостаточно знакомы…». Из переписки кн. Е.Н. Трубецкого и М. Здзеховского
15:00 Anna Reznichenko, Russian State University for Humanities, Russia
Мариан Здзеховский, Петр Петрович Перцов, польский мессианизм и славянская взаимность: заметки к теме
15:30 Aleksander Posacki SJ, Collegium Verum, Warsaw, Poland
Новые возможности диалога западной философии, восточноевропейской мысли и русской культуры в свете творчества Мариана Здзеховского
16:00 Discussion
16:30–17:00 Coffee break
SECTION 7 (chair: Gennadii Aliaiev)
17:00 Iuliia Kuznetsova, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
Мариан Здзеховский: «Великое зло должно вызывать великое добро» ‒ нравственность против политической системы
17:30 Pylyp Bilyi, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Zdziechowski ‒ dwa oblicza kultury rosyjskiej. Postawa intelektualisty w czasach wojny
17:50 Nikolai Kostin, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
Мариан Здзеховский и польский сарматизм
18:10 Ilias Stanekzai, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland
Marian Zdziechowski wobec myśli indyjskiej
18:30 Discussion
18:50 Concluding Remarks and Announcements
19:00 Supper




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